The Elements

Fire, water and earth - a combination that sleeps in each of us and is waiting to be revealed. The Elements collection has captured them in fragrances and gives help to reveal them. Whether it is the earth, derived into woody scents that symbolizes inner hunger - a desire that drives us to hunt our goals and is an integral part of our nature. Or the water, dedicated to clarified and aquatic scents - a characteristic that reminds us not to lose the freshness, just like the water. Finally, there is the fire that represents jealousy in form of fruity scents - an emotion that strengthens the ambition for our goals.

The Elements shows us through unisex fragrances that we have the ability to become something meaningful, and that we do not necessarily have to follow the conventional rules of the world. These Elements gives us the fundamental stop to awaken our inner forces and set us on the road to realizing our aspirations and dreams. Bochan reflects children with dreams, just like you used to be. It's about taking his chances at all costs.

Get your chance now - BOCHAN